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This educational game is about the interactions betweeno two characters, a Primitive Man and a modern boy. They meet by accident during a time travel experiment, and end up traveling together, engaging in various confusions that may change the destiny of humanity.

How would you help these guys to rewrite history avoiding the environmental collapse?

 "from the Beginnig to the World´ End"

Green-Art Group 

Manguinhos, Rio de Janeiro - RJ


This project aims to develop an educational and participatory process with perifery residents, using art and green gardens as tools for the artistic occupation of public and private spaces.


Since 2015 we were developing this project in slums and housing complexes in Rio de Janeiro city. It is a process of collective education, we all learn and strengthen ourselves as a collective,  striving for empowerment and community development, such that it can helps to better understand how collective actions has transformation potencial.

We sow gardens, paint grafitti and create a lot of artistic interventions, traveling with our vehicle (Kombi) to every community that call us.

Join us!

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