The Corals is a Living Lab affiliated to the European Network of Living Labs. A Living Lab is a development space shared by several public and private organizations that want to collaborate to innovative and collective projects. The Living Lab facilitates the exchange of knowledge and provides infrastructure for co-creation and the testing of new products. The Living Lab emphasizes that the products are built and tested in real contexts and not in antiseptic labs, hence the name living (live) and lab (laboratory). Learn more on Wikipedia.
Corals is a platform for developing collaborative projects. Like a coral reef offers favorable infrastructure for different forms of marine life, this platform aims at the proliferation of collaborative projects that contribute to the common good.
Therefore the Corals is an ecosystem that involves labs, classrooms, communities and startups who believe in learning by doing and doing by learning.
In the Corals everything that is written about this system is available to the project participants and to anyone who is logged in Corals, thus creating a knowledge base for future reference. So, the much acclaimed documentation required by project managers is generated instantly with the development of the project.Also, people outside the project can contribute with comments or join the project and contribute more actively. With every update, the group members receive a notification by email, maintaining a collaborative dynamic in which everyone is aware of what is happening.The knowledge generated is licensed under a Creative Commons license that allows use for future projects without paying copyright or ask permission.